Health and Safety

VT Response is a source of information and encourages willing volunteers to contact coordinators listed in each post for more details, and does not assume any responsibility for the safety of volunteers or the actions of volunteers on the job.


Safety During Power Outages from Vermont Department of Health


  • Before heading out there are some basic steps you should take and some notes of caution you should be aware of. For General Flood Information from the Department of Health, click HERE and HERE.
  • While managing debris, there are certain items that must be separated from general debris. Read this PDF for Flood Debris Exceptions.

6 Responses to Health and Safety

  1. joe says:

    Don’t forget to protect your eyes from dust and mold spores as well .
    Have eye wash handy…..don’t rub eyes..

    And be aware of the hands and feet….from cuts and scrapes .
    clean them up….

    And have up to date tetanus shot or know when your last one was .

    Be prepared when cleaning up the mess .

    what eles ?
    THINK ?

  2. joe says:

    BE AWARE of the BEEs………..

    I heard someone got stung today……and went into shock .


    People who are potentially allergic to bee venom are in danger of suffering from anaphylactic shock when stung by a bee.

  3. joe says:

    Don’t bumb your head when in tight places.
    Don’t crush your toes when moving heavy stuff .
    Protect your self from head to toe.

    Hard hats and ” steel tip ” shoes or boots

    knee pads for crawl spaces work good .

    And don’t forget the bug spray and sun screen.

  4. Nicole Cormen for Elizabeth of Lyme says:

    Please ask that the people providing food for volunteers please wrap items (sandwiches, burritos, granola bars, etc.) individually. There is no clean water for hand-washing at most of the sites. The muck being removed may well be toxic. An open casserole dish can easily become contaminated. On the other hand an individually-wrapped item can be eaten by handling only the wrapping to avoid contamination.


  5. Mold in the Home after the Flood: Non-toxic Remediation and Health Issues

    Materials needed:
    20 Mule Team Borax – laundry booster available in grocery stores.

    White vinegar – purchase by the gal.

    Grapefruit seed extract, GSE – available at health food stores, usually dispensed by drops, always dilute; disinfectant of choice in many hospitals.

    HEPA filter masks; vacuum cleaners with HEPA filter

    DO NOT use Clorox which is a toxin.


    Non-toxic cleaning formula for mold and mildew:
    1 gal. very hot water
    3 T. 20 Mule Team Borax
    60+ drops or 1/2 T. Grapefruit Seed Extract, GSE.
    1 ½ c. white vinegar
    Stir, dissolving the borax.
    Dispose of cleaning rag after clean up.
    While Clorox kills mold, it is a toxin and is not recommended.

    Laundry Add 1/2 cup white vinegar, ¼-1/2 cup 20 Mule Team Borax to each load of laundry.

    Sprinkle 20 Mule Team Borax on cement or dirt floors or wooden sills.

    A vacuum cleaner with a hepa-filter, such as the German built Miele, is very helpful.

    Sunshine kills mold and is very useful for items that cannot be washed like heavy wool rugs.

    Protect yourself. Use a hepa-filter facemask that will filter out mold. HEPA stands for high efficiency particulate air. Launder your clothing after cleaning.

  6. Viola says:

    Please ask that the people providing food for volunteers please wrap items (sandwiches, burritos, granola bars, etc.) individually. (interesting post. thanks)

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